Public Relations for Erno Laszlo
MY PR, a local GlobalCom PR team in Italy, is supporting Erno Laszlo in the communication for the re-launch of the brand.
The brand Erno Laszlo was born in 1927, when the Hungarian dermatologist Dr. Laszlo opened his first Institute of Scientific Cosmetology in Budapest. Medical visionary and charismatic character, Dr. Laszlo revolutionized the traditional vision of skin care, with his method and the vanguard of its principles. He was the first to formulate the concept of sun protection, to introduce ph balance products, to design water-based formulations for oily skin, to develop skincare programs for men and teenagers, and to prescribe rituals personalized treatment.
MY PR supports the brand through a media relation plan that involves top healthcare and beauty journalists of the most prestigious magazines. One of the most important steps in the campaign was the press trip organized in June 2013 to visit the Erno Laszlo Institute in New York, a really useful way to help the brand in its strategic storytelling approach.
Healthcare PR Campaigns
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