All B2C brands can employ influencer marketing services
Influencer marketing is an evolving area of practice and expertise, but is becoming vital, for consumer brands in particular, to engage the potential audience across multiple demographics. In many ways, this is an evolution of the traditional practice of celebrity endorsement brought into the digital age as well as the recognition that people trust people. Influencer marketing for brands involves those with large social media followings, whether well-known individuals from fields such as sports, entertainment, food, travel and fashion, or even other opinion-forming brands, being engaged to endorse and promote a product or solution.
Done right, influencer marketing can be an incredibly effective and powerful tool across all industries. With a professional selection of the most suitable influencer, however, niche topics will also gain effective exposure.
Authenticity and reputation are important values in the B2B sector as well and can help to make well-considered decisions with the least risk when making larger investments. For this, influencer marketing is operated with key opinion leaders such as industry analysts or niched media, who are renowned as experts in their field and therefore have a particularly high influence on opinion.
Risks also exist
The rise of influencer marketing has inevitably also produced new challenges and risks. These can include fraud, conflicts of interest, authenticity and follower inflation, all of which need to be understood and managed by brands using this tactic. Managing these elements is an important part of the influencer marketing agency role.