Public Relations Blog & Insights

GlobalCom’s Blog lists articles, insights and thought leadership pieces written by Public Relations specialists spanning all continents, in several languages.
Selected topics: Content Marketing | Lists and Checklists | Meta | Tips & Tricks

2025 IT Trends and Challenges: Experts see AI and Cybersecurity as most influential factors

The information technology market size has seen strong growth in recent years. Until 2029 it is expected to grow to 13,176.84 billion USD at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.2% according to recent global market reports. The expected…
What the experts want you to know about health PR

What the experts want you to know about healthcare PR

Understanding this PR niche through the eyes of Australia’s leading health PR agency When you think about health PR, it is a niche that sits within the niche of PR, which is a niche of marketing. The narrowness of this part of the PR industry…

How Social Media is transforming Public Relations in the Middle East

In an era defined by digital interconnectivity, social media has reshaped virtually every industry, and public relations is no exception. The Middle East, home to a tech-savvy and young population, is witnessing a significant transformation…
Simon Partridge, Marc Brockmeyer and Lothar Bentlage help companies to transform brands for a better future

How Brand Transformation makes companies future-proof

In a world that is constantly changing, companies, especially medium-sized ones, are facing ever new challenges. Competitive pressure, stagnant markets, lack of strategic positioning, and dissatisfied employees are just some of the problems…
21 executive interviews reveal how PR is changing

Insight Track report: 21 executive interviews reveal how PR is changing

Technology dominance, reskilling imperative, need for human creativity. These are the three top-of-mind issues most often raised by international marketing and communications executives when asked about the impact of generative AI. Ethics, sustainability,…

Media training: Is it really essential?

The straightforward answer is that media training isn't necessary for everyone. If you inherently excel at interviews, grasp what journalists are thinking, remain calm under pressure, and know exactly what to convey in the brief moments you…
Storytelling in PR and Marketing

The importance of Storytelling in a PR and Marketing strategy

There is no doubt that telling a story appropriately has proven to be a powerful tool to conquer audiences. Brands that develop a well-constructed storytelling concept achieve a better market positioning by connecting emotionality with stakeholders,…
measuring PR success

Mastering Media Metrics: How to Measure PR Success?

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, measuring the effectiveness of media activities is more critical than ever. Whether you're running social media campaigns, launching print ads, or investing in online content, understanding how to evaluate…
Group Photo GCPR Summit 2023 Tokyo

A Recap of GlobalCom’s Tokyo Summit 2023

At the 2023 GlobalCom PR Network summit in Japan, participants engaged with industry leaders, expanded knowledge, and gained insights into trends. Workshops, lectures, and discussions fostered learning and networking, and forming new partnerships.

AI-generated fake news: what is the real threat?

Since ChatGPT’s launch last November, public opinion has transitioned through three distinct phases: first intrigue, then excitement and now fear. It’s safe to say we were all impressed when OpenAI’s flagship project first displayed its…
Corporate scandals can be averted with good PR

Kan skandaler undvikas?

De flesta företag slipper för det allra mesta att få tuff kritik. Skandaler är undantag och till och med att få rejält negativ publicitet i medierna är ganska ovanligt. Men när det trots allt händer kan det få besvärliga konsekvenser. Faktiskt…
Corporate scandals can be averted with good PR

Can corporate scandals be averted? With good PR they can

On most days, companies will be able to avoid harsh public criticism. Corporate scandals are more of an exception, and getting really negative publicity in the media is quite unusual. But when it does happen, it can have dire consequences for…