Tips & Tricks

Since there are no two PR campaigns, two clients or two audiences the same, things can sometimes go wrong for the right reasons or exceptionally well for the wrong reasons. We stand to learn from both. So please read some useful tips and tricks that both emerging and seasoned PR professionals could make use of to ensure PR efforts run smoothly and deliver the desired results.

Also make sure to check some of the tools and checklists we recommend.


What the experts want you to know about health PR

What the experts want you to know about healthcare PR

Understanding this PR niche through the eyes of Australia’s leading health PR agency When you think about health PR, it is a niche that sits within the niche of PR, which is a niche of marketing. The narrowness of this part of the PR industry…

Media training: Is it really essential?

The straightforward answer is that media training isn't necessary for everyone. If you inherently excel at interviews, grasp what journalists are thinking, remain calm under pressure, and know exactly what to convey in the brief moments you…
Corporate scandals can be averted with good PR

Kan skandaler undvikas?

De flesta företag slipper för det allra mesta att få tuff kritik. Skandaler är undantag och till och med att få rejält negativ publicitet i medierna är ganska ovanligt. Men när det trots allt händer kan det få besvärliga konsekvenser. Faktiskt…
Corporate scandals can be averted with good PR

Can corporate scandals be averted? With good PR they can

On most days, companies will be able to avoid harsh public criticism. Corporate scandals are more of an exception, and getting really negative publicity in the media is quite unusual. But when it does happen, it can have dire consequences for…
Dos & Don’ts Of Social Media Marketing

Dos & Don’ts Of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has become an essential part of any company's advertising campaign. With the wealth of benefits it can have, a business could miss out on a significant amount of sales without it. The dos and don'ts of social media marketing,…
Pros and Cons of Facebook Ads

Pros and Cons of Facebook Ads

As the saying goes, "If you’re not online, then you don’t exist”. This can be said about businesses that don't leverage the many advantages of social media in marketing. Facebook is one of the most popular online networks. Because of its…
Micro-Influencer in 2021

Relevance of Micro-Influencer in 2021

The Dilemma According to new research, despite their success and widespread usage in today's marketing landscape, few social media users purchase goods promoted online by influencers (other sources disagree with this conclusion), and most actively…
How to Turn a Crisis into an Opportunity for Success?

How to Turn a Crisis into an Opportunity for Success?

The economy, way of working and overall way of life were challenged and changed during the pandemic. Some of those changes are here to stay, especially those related to everyday work. According to the BBC online working will bring flexible working…
5 Major Marketing Trends to Prepare for

5 Major Marketing Trends to Prepare for in 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically changed the way businesses operate, and those who weren’t quick to adapt and embrace creative marketing solutions with innovative operational pivots were quickly sidelined by their competition. Months…
How to promote a brand on TikTok?

How to promote a brand on TikTok?

A few years ago we could not have imagined that TikTok is not just a song by the famous artist Kesha but also the main and discussed application for generating content in the world! Today it has more than 1.5 billion downloads and 700 million…
Video Killed the Meeting Star

Video Killed the Meeting Star

Yeah, those were the days. Everything about the first COVID wave and the lockdown was new. But we were concerned and committed to our jobs. Now we’re in a second wave and in a second lockdown. Worldwide there’s still a lot going on in the…
What to keep in mind when doing B2B PR in Vietnam?

What to keep in mind when doing B2B PR in Vietnam?

With focuses on business clients, B2B PR decisions are made based on rational decisions rather than emotional ones. Understanding who the customers are is the key to the B2B model. Therefore, in-depth market research is a prerequisite step that…