Public Relations for Garmin
In 2011 MY PR, an Italy based PR agency, started working for Garmin – the global leader in satellite navigation – with the goal to build up media interest in a technology that was declining. The PR strategy and tactics included an active dialogue with the media and expert comments to current hot topics related to navigation such as mobility and travelling, strategically placed byline articles, product reviews, specific press events as well as the creation of special media and digital contents, such as info graphics and a book about Navigation history illustrated by amusing sketches drawn by a famous Italian cartoonist.
The successful PR campaign resulted in a high visibility reached by Garmin with almost 1000 clippings in two years in business, automotive, ICT, lifestyle and trade media, including national TV channels.
B2B Tech PR Campaigns
GlobalCom PR Network is a worldwide group of full service public relations and integrated marketing agencies. With 80 offices and serving over 100 countries worldwide, our network represents the rapidly developing global PR network of the 21st century. Learn more about us and our services.
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