
Public Relations, PR

Four Tips & Tricks for Successful PR Measurement

This post was originally published by Laurie Davis on the Interprose Voice blog. Whether it is to increase sales, gain more members, or be seen as a thought-leader in a particular industry, businesses and organizations have a wide variety…
Content Marketing Strategy

Public Relations is ahead of its (content marketing) time

Content marketing remains firmly planted near the top of most brands’ priorities these days. Organizations are weighing their options and trying to figure out what their next step should be. Do they grow their own internal content capabilities…
Statistics, Data, Analysis, Charts

5 Ways to Leverage an Analyst Report for PR and Marketing

Analysts are often seen as some of the most credible influencers in any given field. Their vendor neutrality and broad knowledge of market players makes them a reliable source on industry trends, developments and projections. That’s why commissioning…
Statistics, Data, Analysis, Charts

How to Track Your Content Marketing Program’s Results

B2B content marketers have come a long way. They’re not writing as much “selfie” content anymore and they’re not writing unhelpful stuff, either. Sure, there might be a lot of repetitive articles for the sake of search engine optimization…
Statistics, Data, Analysis, Charts

3 Easy-to-Use Analytics Tools (and None are from Google)

According to Wikipedia, “magical thinking” is the attribution of causal relationships between actions and events where scientific consensus says there is none. If you replace “scientific consensus” with “hard numbers,” you might…
big data predictions

USA 2013: Big Data und IT-Sicherheit sorgen für PR-Nachfrage

Heute beantwortet unser auf für B2B Technologie-Themen spezialisierter Kollege Tom Rice aus den USA die drei Fragen zu Eindrücken aus der PR-Branche und den Medien, die wir unseren PR Teams rund um die Welt gestellt haben.   1.…
PR Measurement

The Art and Science of PR Measurement – Quick Takes and Suggestions

PR measurement is an art and science that even many of the brightest minds in the industry haven’t quite figured out yet, and certainly not perfected. Earlier this month, the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of…
Statistics, Data, Analysis, Charts

PR Analytics is Not PR Measurement, But You Can’t Do One Without the Other

There are generally two ways to conduct PR measurement: output vs. outcomes. But what many struggle to grasp is that measurement itself is not analytics. In PR, analytics takes on a very literal meaning in that, conducting analysis about how…
Statistics, Data, Analysis, Charts

Big Data, Big PR?

It’s official: Big Data is now a mainstream business buzzword, not just tech insider terminology. Steve Lohr recently cited Big Data’s appearance as a  featured topic at the World Economic Forum, its prominence in the New York Times’…
Social Media Channels

An Argument Against Exaggerated Market Research

Public relations firms often encourage our clients to conduct market research as a way to contribute to the industry news cycle when there is no news coming out of the company. March's clients have seen a lot of success with this strategy and,…
Statistics, Data, Analysis, Charts

PR – Growth Amidst Lingering Financial Turmoil, shows new data from Sageworks [2011]

The 2008 U.S. financial crisis still feels fresh for many industries trying to rebound, but PR is one segment that has seemingly put the latest economic downturn in the past. New data from Sageworks shows that the past two years have recorded…
Statistics, Data, Analysis, Charts

Barcelona, Lisbon and next year Paris – Does Measurement Travel?

I read PR Daily’s piece by David Rockland entitled PR Measurement beyond the Barcelona Principles and it quite rightly stated that AVE will not be missed. AVE, for those new to PR, stands for advertising value equivalency and is the practice…