
measuring PR success

Mastering Media Metrics: How to Measure PR Success?

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, measuring the effectiveness of media activities is more critical than ever. Whether you're running social media campaigns, launching print ads, or investing in online content, understanding how to evaluate…
Statistics, Data, Analysis, Charts

How to Track Your Content Marketing Program’s Results

B2B content marketers have come a long way. They’re not writing as much “selfie” content anymore and they’re not writing unhelpful stuff, either. Sure, there might be a lot of repetitive articles for the sake of search engine optimization…
Statistics, Data, Analysis, Charts

5 Ways to Measure the Impact of a Digital PR Campaign

Say that your tech company recently got covered in a major tech publication like TechCrunch or VentureBeat. For about a week, you see a pretty big spike in traffic going to your website. Maybe a few people even register for a trial of your product…
PR Measurement

The Art and Science of PR Measurement – Quick Takes and Suggestions

PR measurement is an art and science that even many of the brightest minds in the industry haven’t quite figured out yet, and certainly not perfected. Earlier this month, the International Association for the Measurement and Evaluation of…