
Det är kärnorna i Äpplet som säkrar återväxten

This blog post was first published by Jakob Mjöbring, Punkt PR (Umeå, Sweden), at the Swedish magazine Resumé.  "So we need to be true to who we are. And remember what's really important to us. That's what's going to keep Apple, Apple:…
Content Marketing Strategy

Is an Industry Giant About to Outshine Your Client? Not So Fast…

When strategizing with clients on the ideal timing for a big announcement, the golden rule for tech PR companies is to avoid holidays, Fridays, and, if it can be helped, dates when you know an industry giant is going to unveil its own big news…
Steve Jobs eye glasses next to an iPhone

Does Apple Mistreat Early Adopters?

This post was first published by Doug Flora on March Communications' blog PR Nonsense. I'm not an Apple die-hard, because I like brand variety in my life. I have a phone running Android, a PC running Windows and an iPad to quench my tablet…
Steve Jobs eye glasses next to an iPhone

Yes, Details Do Matter – a Lesson From Steve Jobs

It’s been nearly two months since Steve Jobs died. While many of the stories that emerged following his death were memorable and enlightening, there’s one simple story that really stuck with me. It was posted on Vic Gundotra’s public feed…