
PR für Messen und Events: Timing, Timing, Timing!

“Weihnachten kommt immer so überraschend“ – diese bekannte Aussage lässt sich auch auf die alljährlichen, großen Messen und Events übertragen. Als Agentur für PR und Kommunikation erhalten wir in jedem Jahr wenige Wochen vor großen…
Mobile World Congress 2014

Three Useful Apps for Any Trade Show

Last week, while at NAB in Las Vegas, the trade show floor was bustling with the usual hype around new trends, announcements and innovations. With more than 90,000 attendees, NAB is often regarded as one of the largest trade shows in the world,…
People looking at mobile phones

“Yo, When Does the New App Drop?” Why Apps Need A Taste of the Music Scene

Ok, crazy idea time: I just picked up my phone and found that there were updates for about ten of my applications, some of which I know were updated just days ago, or at most, maybe a couple weeks ago. I find this somewhat annoying. Firstly,…
Piano Practice

Google’s Musical Cloud Launched with Android App

A few weeks ago, I blogged about how Amazon beat both Google and Apple to put music in the cloud, even though they sidestepped some strict U.S. licensing agreements. Well, it turns out Google was not too far behind with the launch of their own…