Influencer Marketing Relies on Authenticity
It is no secret that social media influencers have become important figures in our communities. With sometimes millions of eyes on their daily posts, influencers have the power to push trends, create change, and strengthen brands. Utilising…
There is no vaccine for fake news
Last March, as we entered the very first lockdown, we published a timely blog on practicing responsible PR in an ‘infodemic’, as a response to warnings about ‘fake news’ from the World Health Organisation.
WHO director-general, Tedros…
Die Zukunft des Marketings hat begonnen – dank IoT!
Jaja klar, mittlerweile wissen wir alle was „dieses IoT“ ist, oder? So von wegen smarter Kühlschrank, der einkauft - oder ein Fitnesstracker, der mir sagt, dass ich heute wieder zu faul war. Nicht zu vergessen natürlich Unmengen an Anwendungen…
Does This Orange Make Me Look Fat? What Your Brand Colors Say About You
Could you imagine the Coca-Cola logo without its iconic red? How about a purple and orange Subway logo? Color theory plays such an important topic in branding and marketing, yet you may not know the specific psychology behind the colors you…
Gegensätze ziehen sich an!
Marketing- und Public Relations-Experten beäugen sich oft kritisch. Während dem Marketing häufig vorgeworfen wird, nur in kurzfristigen, verkaufsorientierten Kampagnen zu denken, muss sich die PR mit dem Vorwurf der Nicht-Messbarkeit auseinander…
GENERATION F – A Consumer Behaviour Insight into the Growing Wellbeing Market
With numerous buzz words and ‘health’ trends increasingly infiltrating our everyday life, it comes as no surprise that the term wellbeing is breaking away as a consumer category of its own. And one that is permeating all markets; from…
The Changing Face of Grocery Shoppers – The Five Consumer Groups Defining the Grocery Market in 2016
The way in which consumers are shopping is changing in a big way. The weekly shop is on decline, and demanding consumer lifestyles are driving an increase in the number of convenience, specialist and independent formats popping up across the…
GENERATION Z: The Most Complex Consumer to Challenge Marketers?
Marketers and PR folk have long been obsessed with Millennials, those born in the eighties and nineties as supposedly the first generation to adapt to the ‘new age’. However as this market starts to edge into their mid-thirties, there is…
INFOGRAPHIC: Are the UK’s more mature customers actually the most diverse and savvy?
There has been so much debate about just how modern-day brands can engage and remain engaged with that all important trend setting Millennial audience. But there has been nowhere near that level of interest or focus on marketing to the UK’s…
News Flash: Your Prospects Already Know What You’re Selling
The traditional sales process goes something like this: market research hands over some leads, sales contacts the leads and discovers who’s interested in learning more. Then there’s follow-up, when the sales rep goes over the product in…
Using Twitter for customer service may be a good approach for companies
While we know Twitter can be a great platform for marketing and PR, allowing for the near-instantaneous, mass distribution of news, content and press, what about using Twitter for customer service? Many companies may shy away from such a public…
Welcome to the BYOD Bonanza!
They’re everywhere you go these days. Those four little letters have become famous quicker than the Fab Four in 1964. B.Y.O.D. Type it into Google News and you’ll get dozens of results - from today. Take a quick scroll down your favorite…