
At the start of this week 2Degrees, the world’s leading community for sustainable business, announced the shortlist for its 2013 Sustainability Champions Awards. So why are we so excited about this? Well, it’s because we’ve been nominated for the ‘Best External Communications Campaign’ category. The nomination was down to the research that we completed late in 2012 investigating how the UK national media treats renewables.

The research highlighted the underlying negativity that seems to have taken over the UK national media’s reporting of renewables. Whilst this had been suspected by some in the renewable industry for some time, with a lack of evidence to prove the extent of this negative sentiment, many renewables companies and organisations allowed themselves to turn a blind eye to the issue. But this had gone on long enough! Using confronting and challenging news articles, by-line articles, infographics and a whitepaper, we used the research to highlight why it’s time the renewables industry got serious about communicating!


And how did they react?

‘It’s very, very good. It’s vital we disseminate evidence like this.’ – Jeremy Leggett, Founder, Solarcentury, SolarAid & The Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil and Energy Security.

‘A piece showing how the media is systematically anti-renewables. No wonder our economy flounders.’ – Tony Juniper, Environmental Campaigner, former Director of Friends of the Earth UK

There’s a full round-up of our research in an earlier blog post.

Being shortlisted for this award within nine months of launching the CleanTech division is a huge achievement for us. To be positioned beside established companies like Marks & Spencer and Diageo and industry innovators like IRT Surveys and KiWi Power is something we’re very proud of.

But now it all comes down to the vote and it would be great to have your support.

If you like the work that we’ve done, please vote for us on the 2Degrees website. Every vote will help and it will only take a moment. In the meantime, thanks again for your on-going support.

Wish us luck!

Your CCGroup team – UK partner of GlobalCom PR Network