Today our series is featuring Jasna Sykorova of DataConsult, GlobalCom PR Network’s partner agency in the Czech and Slovak Republic, who provided us with some insights regarding their local PR practices and regional trends.*
1. What status do social and digital media have in your daily PR work?
Social media is the integral part of our everyday public relations work. But we see it as a new channel, not as a completely new field. Though much faster, more unpredictable and more interactive channel. ‘Think before you act and then act fast’ is even more true with the social media than it was in the standard corporate communications before. So together with our clients we seek the “higher sense” and prepare the strategy, which interlinks all the employed channels.
2. Do you use social networking in your PR and communications work?
3. What would you see as most recent innovation in the field of PR?
Business storytelling and brand journalism. Integral corporate communication. New channels and tools – not only social media, but digital media altogether with the smartphones and tablets popularity boom. The larger diversity of opinion makers. These trends have been existing for some time but only recently we see them put to practice or take effect.
*The series is based on phone or face-to-face interviews and written input, therefore please excuse language mistakes which might reflect foreign language influences.
GlobalCom is an award-winning worldwide alliance of Public Relations specialists and agencies that offers international PR services to organisations looking to launch their products and services simultaneously in multiple countries.