90 percent of information transmitted to the human brain is visual. In addition, the brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. Therefore, it is not surprising how important strong visuals are for PR, marketing, websites, and Social Media. A survey by Twitter found that tweets with images receive on average 35 percent more retweets than those without. Researchers from Stanford University reported similar statistics from Facebook where an average post containing a link earned 20 likes, while a post built around a picture earned nearly 100.
Size matters 😉
For Social Media in particular the image size is also an important factor to make sure that images are not cut off or shown blurred. As the recommended or required image sizes change with the evolution of each platform, we have prepared a quick checklist on 2021 image size recommendations for the most important Social Media channels for B2B and B2C business use*:
*As ranked by Statista “Social Media Checklist Image Formats” (excl. YouTube)