Content Marketing 101

From crafting excellent, timeless content, to combining different mediums and materials and finally to distributing the content using the channels the intended audiences are most likely to use in order to achieve the desired impact, content marketing has evolved significantly in the past ten years, transcending various fields of human knowledge and talent.

Find below contributions from PR-ists and specialists ranging from starters and technical writers to seasoned and highly experienced specialists who have been shaping the public relations industry for more than 20 years. Head over to the content marketing agencies page if you’re looking for service providers.

Also be sure to check our Tips and Checklists sections.



5 Things New Age SEO Means for PR

Penguin 2.0, released last month, is Google’s latest update to its search algorithm and it continues the search giant’s trend of improving how it recognizes - and rewards - good quality links. As we all know this is the latest in its battle…
Content Marketing Strategy

How to Use Press Releases for Content Marketing

This post was first published by Martin Jones on March Communications' blog PR Nonsense. Not so long ago, the press release was the be all and end all of any outbound influencer relations. PR firms would fire the release out to the influencer…
Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing is a Couple Thousand Years Older Than You Think

Recently, I found myself surfing the interwebs, as I often do, for a good read. Being a PR professional and an avid consumer of all types of media content, I started reading an interview with New York Times bestselling author Guy Kawasaki, where…
Content Marketing Strategy

Why PR and Content Marketing Are the Same Thing

Press releases are the bread-and-butter of any company hoping to make a splash. They help showcase your latest product or service or show some cutting-edge research into the industry. More importantly, of course, journalists and analysts will…