Buenos Aires, Argentina

Today is the start of our new interview series on “Tops and Flops” in global PR. We’ve asked some PR consultants of our approximately 70 partner agencies around the world which issues and subjects arise most interest in their regions, how important industry knowledge is to their work, and what role local PR plays compared to international PR. Luciana Bugni of Espósito Marketing, a GlobalCom PR Network partner agency in Argentina, provided us with some insights regarding their local PR tops and flops.


PR topics: tops and flops – what works best in your market?

This question could be answered from two points of view. The topics for the press always have a higher visibility when we talk about local content. The opening of new offices, product launches and executive promotions are currently the topics that generate more interest in the press and the public in general.

In terms of public relations techniques we are having excellent results with pitching and bylines development. We think that while it is undeniable that the e-mail and other technological tools make our work easier and allow us to reach mass audiences, personal attention that involves a content management is highly valued when adapted to the needs of the media and the journalist.


How important is industry expertise in your daily PR work?

We think expertise is in many ways an important value, not only in the field of public relations. Remaining on the market for many years enables a company knowing the issues of interest, getting to know the journalists and become an industry benchmark. Over time, the press begins to identify you as a specialized consultant and contact looking for information, which speeds up work and editorial opportunities multiply. Espósito Marketing has over 10 years working with clients of the tech industry. Nowadays 80% of our clients are from IT industry and 20% are from other areas which often come to us after having worked together previously with IT companies. However, we think experience is gained accepting new challenges and proposing increasingly demanding goals.


Are integrated international PR programs beneficial for your work?

At Espósito Marketing we have local and regional accounts. We work with different countries for some of our clients, always with the objective of being part of the same team. While we are coordinated from the headquarters of our clients, each country have targets to meet but is also aware of the activities carried out in other countries to collaborate with executives sharing images, texts and – most important – ideas. Talking about these activities we usually work with a mix of global and local contents. Currently, we are working with agencies from Chile, Brazil, Mexico and Paraguay. International PR campaigns constitute an important part of what we do.

Our clients choose us because, allied with our partners, we function as a single agency. We have coordinated schedules for press releases and unified communication reports. For many years we have been working according to this system and management reports, with very good results and a high level of satisfaction of our clients.