Travel & Tourism has always been one of the main target industries for our global network, but definitely GlobalCom was still in need for a significant driving force for business development in this field. A couple of months ago, GlobalCom has won KPRN network as new partner for Tourism PR in Germany – now they bring in their own international network Tourism Trademark (TTM), and four new public relations companies specializing in tourism PR join GlobalCom.
“On this occasion we have taken the chance to formally establish our Tourism Competence Group within GlobalCom”, says Claudia Wittwer, coordinator of the network. GlobalCom is now represented in four more important travel markets with specialized agencies: Italy – Interview PR, France – Tutti quanti communications, the Netherlands – Baltus Communications and the UK – McCluskey International. KPRN network, the management board of TTM, itself is also covering Austria. “All of these agencies have a long proven track record in tourism business, and have worked for renowned clients like Finnair, Singapore Tourism Board, Dubai Department of Tourism & Commerce Marketing and Luxe Worldwide Hotels”, says Claudia Wittwer. “By bringing in their solid expertise and contacts they will strengthen GlobalCom’s tourism competence significantly.”
The Tourism Competence Group has already been active on a more informal basis prior to its official foundation: this year GlobalCom was represented at ITB in Berlin, biggest tourism trade fair worldwide, already for a third time. GlobalCom agencies from important travel markets like Japan, Scandinavia, Benelux, Spain and Russia have worked for clients as different as Aeroflot, VisitLondon and NH Hoteles, but also for companies from Transport & Logististics (e.g. Airbus, Lufthansa Systems), Online Travel Portals and more.
“Even in difficult times like these there are still many travel enthusiasts worldwide”, says Claudia Wittwer (who knows what she is talking about…). “On the other side, tourism companies have to allocate their budgets very efficiently to reach potential clients – and in their target markets they need the experts who have the necessary expertise and contacts right on hand.”
So, your flights are more comfortable than the ones with your competitors? Your destinations belongs to those many “hidden jewels” somewhere on the globe? People don’t know that yet? Time to do something about it – just talk to us and you can reach all those people longing to escape from daily life. May they be from Germany, Italy, France, Japan or Russia.
Claudia Wittwer