1. How did the global recession affect the demand for PR in the USA in 2013?
2. How was the USA portrait in the media in 2013?
The media mainly stayed focused on the negatives including the unemployment numbers, housing and Congress’ inability to work together.
Many of our healthcare clients have an eye on the implementation of ObamaCare and the healthcare exchanges. Our technology clients continue to benefit from the increase in attention around IT security, big data and the move to consolidation in IT overall.
3. Which other country stands out as positive or negative example?
There is a lot to say about how things have developed in the past few years in terms of PR but I feel that public relations firms now have a stronger grip on what is happening and understand quite well where the markets are moving. It didn’t really came as a surprise that cybersecurity and Big Data grew so strong and so fast as sub-industries giving the recent climate, but despite this trend many businesses in the majority of sectors still don’t seem to grasp how important it is to stay up to date when it comes to security and making (ethical) use of the data trove generated everywhere.
Author: Tom Rice, GlobalCom PR Network team MerrittGroup, USA