PR strategies are long and short term plans that look at the options and resources available to establish the order and type of activities required to communicate best, with the final purpose of increasing the profile of an individual or organisation, building brand awareness.


Simon Partridge, Marc Brockmeyer and Lothar Bentlage help companies to transform brands for a better future

How Brand Transformation makes companies future-proof

In a world that is constantly changing, companies, especially medium-sized ones, are facing ever new challenges. Competitive pressure, stagnant markets, lack of strategic positioning, and dissatisfied employees are just some of the problems…
Storytelling in PR and Marketing

The importance of Storytelling in a PR and Marketing strategy

There is no doubt that telling a story appropriately has proven to be a powerful tool to conquer audiences. Brands that develop a well-constructed storytelling concept achieve a better market positioning by connecting emotionality with stakeholders,…
Pros and Cons of Facebook Ads

Pros and Cons of Facebook Ads

As the saying goes, "If you’re not online, then you don’t exist”. This can be said about businesses that don't leverage the many advantages of social media in marketing. Facebook is one of the most popular online networks. Because of its…
Three fundamental principles of successful digital advertising

Why you need to review your PPC strategy in light of increasingly popular voice search technology

Digital marketing is on the cusp of a landslide change. Natural language processing, along with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning stand to rescript the consumer experience as we know it. We only have to look at Siri, Cortana…
Coronavirus epidemic: Public relations when the public is out of sight

Coronavirus epidemic: Public relations when the public is out of sight

The Coronavirus crisis is turning the metropolitan areas bustling day and night into desolate places. When people remind each other of #socialdistancing and moving their presence to online channels, traditional and offline communications methods…
Trends Shaping the Communications Strategy of Brands in 2019Bigstock

Five Trends Shaping the Communications Strategy of Brands in 2019

Public relations and marketing communications strategy in 2018 were defined by the demand for content and integrated communications. The conversations during the beginning of 2019 were around the rise of artificial intelligence in communications…
Event Marketing

Command Attention: Social Event Marketing Strategies That Actually Work – An Opinionated Guide

This post was first published by Melissa Drozdowski on Interprose’s blog, Interprose Voice. Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it they will want to come back and see you do it again and they will want to…
Color psychology

Does This Orange Make Me Look Fat? What Your Brand Colors Say About You

Could you imagine the Coca-Cola logo without its iconic red? How about a purple and orange Subway logo? Color theory plays such an important topic in branding and marketing, yet you may not know the specific psychology behind the colors you…
Living in a data matrix city with phone data.

ICCO 2017: Paths for PR – Embracing completely new skills in a field where 95 % of business is about promise making

From left, Charlene Corrin, GM from ICCO and Rami Kangas, Drama Queen Communications/GlobalCom PR Network “If something matters enough, the news will find you”. Something in those lines was said by Ketchum CEO and chairman Rob Flaherty…
Publicity Spreckley GlobalCom PR Network

Generating publicity for the sake of it can be a good thing

This post was first published by Sean Hand, Senior Account Executive at Spreckley, on Spreckley's blog. The phrase ‘there’s no such thing as bad publicity’ has been bandied about for decades. While it would be naïve to suggest that…
Pokemons in the grass - Gaming icons

Experiencing the Magic: Three Ways to Better Execute Your Plan

This post was originally published by Laurie Davis on the Interprose Voice blog. Full disclosure – I’m a huge Disney World fan. The memories that I’ve made during the last 20 years are just priceless. For example, this one: my family…
Pokemons in the grass - Gaming icons

Gotta Catch ‘Em All – Unexpected Lessons From Pokémon Go

It’s sweet summertime, but something other than the warm weather, cool pools, and bright sunshine is tempting people from their homes into the great outdoors. The recently launched and wildly popular smartphone app Pokémon Go has produced…