Public Relations Blog & Insights

GlobalCom’s Blog lists articles, insights and thought leadership pieces written by Public Relations specialists spanning all continents, in several languages.
Selected topics: Content Marketing | Lists and Checklists | Meta | Tips & Tricks

Boutique PR Agency GlobalCom PR Network

Being a Boutique PR Agency: The Trenches and Time

Smart Connections PR was founded in late 2012, a boutique PR firm born out of a boutique tech-oriented PR agency. We love the term “boutique.” It sounds so classy and elite when in reality it is a term used both by PR agencies that are small…

8 советов от организаторов бизнес-конференций

This Blog post was first published by Alla Shupineva, 4D Business Communications Agency, St. Petersburg, Russia 8 советов от организаторов бизнес-конференций Многие компании в своей…

PR für Messen und Events: Timing, Timing, Timing!

“Weihnachten kommt immer so überraschend“ – diese bekannte Aussage lässt sich auch auf die alljährlichen, großen Messen und Events übertragen. Als Agentur für PR und Kommunikation erhalten wir in jedem Jahr wenige Wochen vor großen…

Money’s sci-fi future might still be cash

It's easy to find your day job affecting how you react to details in entertainment. Binge-watching The Expanse on Netflix, a show set 200 years in the future and attempting to show a realistic view of the future - no lightsabers here - I found…

PR-världen är rund

This blog post was first published by Jakob Mjöbring, Punkt PR (Umeå, Sweden), at Resumé.  Precis hemkommen från möte med vårt globala nätverk Global Com på Mallorca och man är så där uppfylld som man är när man får träffa…
Social Media


This blog post was first pubilshed at zerone's blog. 公众号今天做什么?这恐怕是新媒体人每天在想的问题。有时候抓破头皮、想破脑袋,恐怕也没个结果,真是让人头疼。公众号如何定选题…
Opposites Attract GlobalCom PR Agency

Gegensätze ziehen sich an!

Marketing- und Public Relations-Experten beäugen sich oft kritisch. Während dem Marketing häufig vorgeworfen wird, nur in kurzfristigen, verkaufsorientierten Kampagnen zu denken, muss sich die PR mit dem Vorwurf der Nicht-Messbarkeit auseinander…
Branding Strategy

El valor de lo intangible

This blog post was first published on everyThink PR's blog. ¿Cómo medimos la reputación de una marca? ¿Y el valor de sus acciones? Vivimos en un mundo cada vez más intangible, el fervor de la tecnología ha desplazado poco a poco todos…
Event Management

Top tips to capture those coveted warm leads at business events & conferences

If you think a trade event is just an excuse for a jolly for your sales team, it’s time to trade that old school mentality for a fresh perspective. It’s a myth that trade shows in the UK are dying out – although I bet you can name several…
Publicity Spreckley GlobalCom PR Network

Generating publicity for the sake of it can be a good thing

This post was first published by Sean Hand, Senior Account Executive at Spreckley, on Spreckley's blog. The phrase ‘there’s no such thing as bad publicity’ has been bandied about for decades. While it would be naïve to suggest that…

If you want to work in PR, choose working in an PR agency

This post was first published by Nick Bird , Account Director at Spreckley, on Spreckley's blog. …. Choose early morning caffeine hits. Choose working with the latest pioneering technologies. Choose staying ahead of current events. Choose…
Technology Cleantech

Cleantech is back. The science is there and the evidence is overwhelming.

Bill Gates, the world’s former richest man, has just announced his new plan to save the planet. Mr Gates and his billionaire cronies have launched the new venture firm, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, bringing cleantech back in the spotlight.…